Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Question of the Ages

ARS Poetic-a

Question to pick up and run with
Or an idea with which to wander?

How can I recreate my emotions,
With only a pen?
And if I spoke of them once,
Would my stories happen again?

Would people from my past resurrect themselves?
It's been a long time
Can men change to correct themselves?
Change from the chains of their gangs and pick up the pieces since they fell?

I usually don't ask questions,
Because answers don't come.

So I write these lines in my notebook,
Just for kicks, or for fun.

But now back to the question

Could I recreate the flesh of the figures of my imagination?
Bring about the blood to beings for rhyme and reason?

Should I try and let ink flow like blood
From people in Guatemala?

Does our government still saga
Indigenous massacres in America
places like the the U.S. and Nicaragua?

Is there such thing as purposeful poetry
Without flaws?

If when, a rebel owns a pen
Would that bring him cause?

Aw Shit!

Too many questions come to mind at the time
Lets just stick to the question of
ARS Poetica


Qoc'avib Kab'lajuj K'at
Revolorio Feltes

1 comment:

Teen Writers And Artists Project said...


I like the poem.

I have often asked myself the same question:

"How can I recreate my emotions,
With only a pen?
And if I spoke of them once,
Would my stories happen again?"

I had a writing prof at NIU that told me that the story becomes real when you write it down, inaccuracies and all. Sometimes that thought is comforting. Sometimes it is scary.

I also love the following lines:

"Can men change to correct themselves?
Change from the chains of their gangs and pick up the pieces since they fell?"

I like the alliteration in "Change from the chains of their gangs." It jingles like the links on those chains.

In this line:

"Bring about the blood to beings for rhyme and reason?"

You are trying to say that you want to animate the people that you need to talk about, right? It doesn't quite work for me yet.

Overall, this is such a good poem though. I like the way you write for political awareness though.

Thanks. Got any more?

Ms Z

P.S. What does anybody else think?