Friday, July 6, 2007

If I publish here, what rights do you want?

Rights are a very important concern for a writer. Your work is your intellectual property and should not be given away freely without any thought of its future. Teen Writers and Artists Project is striving to provide a showcase for your work that will allow a wider audience to become acquainted with your work and see your talent. We are also hoping to create a community where you can workshop with each other online and build your skills and strengthen your work.

When you publish on this site, we request one time publication rights and, don't worry, if we ever had a chance to make money from your work, you would be contacted and the proper arrangements negotiated so you would make money too.This site exists to help you realize your full potential as a writer or an artist and has no intention of taking advantage of your intellectual efforts.

Thank you for being concerned. Guard your intellectual property well.

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